A problem here: I am trying to narrate year after year. But what is a football year? Seasons differ – traditionally, European football season is fall-spring. Thus, two years really. However, northern European countries play one year season – spring-fall. Same in South and North America and most of Asia and Africa. South America actually play fall-spring season, but in one year instead of two – because the seasons are the opposite of the European ones over there. It is confusing and difficult to follow at times, and chose to follow not the European football season, but the actual year. Which means some division: most European countries and the international club tournaments belong to the first half of the year, when I speak of them. The rest is either scattered through the whole year, or belongs to the end the actual year. Meantime new season is in progress in most of Europe, ending in the late spring of the next year. Confusing, I know. Vutzov’s retirement belong to 1971, but he quitted at the end of 1970-71 season. In the fall, when the new 1971-72 season started, he was no longer a player. In the same fall Soviet, Norvegian, Swedish, Finnish championships of 1971 ended – the rest of Europe was already ending the first half of 1971-72 season, their champions of 1972 were to be known in the late spring of 72, when the northern countries were not even at the middle of their 1972 season. And the rest of the world was in the same situation. Finally, major national team competition are scheduled for the summer and finals belong to one year alone – another reason to follow real years and not classic European seasons.

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