My Little Dutch ABC Book ~ Q

My Little Dutch ABC Book


Queen ~ koningin

Yes, I realize I’m doing this backwards compared to the other words in My Little Dutch ABC Book but hey it’s my blog so I figure I can bend my own rules when I feel like it.

Koningin in Dutch is Queen and yes we are a country with a monarchy system. To this American Girl it’s like something out of a fairy tale novel. I love the Pomp and all the glory that goes with it.

When we first moved here to The Netherlands 5 years ago, my first trip to Amsterdam happened to fall on Queens Day. Koninginsdag is the day in which the entire country celebrates the Queens birthday. Now that Queen Beatrix has passed on her throne to her son we now have a King in the Netherlands. King Willem is definitely fun to watch as well. With his beautiful Queen by his side and 3 adorable little princesses growing up with us all watching, I can truly say they are a beautiful family.

Here’s a little poem I wrote for our Queen when she abdicated her throne to her eldest son Prince Willem.

Photo source Getty/ Toussaint Kluiters

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