My Little Dutch ABC Book ~ L

My Little Dutch ABC Book


Lichtjesroute~ Route of Lights Festival

In 1947 a celebration was held in Eindhoven to remember the liberation of Eindhoven from Nazi Germany. The committee asked neighborhood homeowners to light the route with a light in the window to show the route of the festival. Most people used a candle as supplies were still in short demand. But no matter what, the Dutch people wanted to celebrate and show their appreciation for their freedom. I’ve written two stories which I think need to be read here if you haven’t had the time. It’s stories like these why the Dutch will never forget the men in black that dropped from the sky and came to rescue them during World War II. A grateful nation that will never forget. This year the festival starts today September 17th and will continue thru October 11th.

These are just 2 stories of the millions of people murdered during WWII.

Let's make sure we never forget.

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