My Little Dutch ABC Book~K

My Little Dutch ABC Book


Kleding ~ Clothing

What’s a girl to say about kleding but except I’m a fan. It took me a long time after moving to The Netherlands to embrace the clothes they sell here. It’s funny, but when you tell people you live in Europe, people expect everyone here to look like they just stepped off the pages of Vogue.

In reality it’s not the case. People are working hard, pushing through life and biking all over the place.

I’ve had a few scary encounters with people who look like they been choosing their clothes from the far back section of their closets… like from 20 years ago.
But I’ve also seen people really making a change over the last few years as well.
One of my favorite stores right now is a little shop in my village. The owner is fabulous and always invites me to have a cup of tea with her. Just a fabulous way to enjoy shopping and I love getting to know my new Dutch friends.

When in doubt though, just throw in a fabulous scarf! 

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